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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

forgetting what we have forgotten

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

one of the hallmarks of living in this modern age is in its preoccupation with busy-ness. or at the very least with the appearance of being busied.

regardless of how empty the endeavour is, we plod on doing whatever it is to occupy our times, in the name of survival and for the sake of continued existence.

we never allow ourselves to ask this question; why was i created? for whom was i created?
after all the toil and struggle, fatigue and worry is all we have to show for it.

if you do not know who you are, you will never know for whom you are.

perumpamaan hidup pada ketika ini adalah seperti mengerjakan ladang atau tanah,
namun tidak ditanamkan dengan apa-apa benih tanaman mahupun buah-buahan,
yang tumbuh cumalah lalang dan semak belukar,
penat lelah yang bukan sahaja tiada gunanya,
malah mungkin menyembunyikan ular bisa.

hidup yang sentiasa risau akan usaha yang salah pergantungannya.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

moral of the story: peliharalah lembu @ kambing supaya rumput tak panjang :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

where is home?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"feels like I've been walking barefooted on burning embers,
feels like I've been growing up among total strangers,
O Beloved, take me away to Your destiny,
this blind, narrow minded world is my enemy."
~ Rahat

the people of this world are like the three moths in front of a candle's flame;

the first one went closer and said: I know about love.
the second one touched the flame lightly with his wings and said: I know how love's fire can burn.
the third one threw himself into the heart of the flame and was consumed.

He alone knows what true love is.

sampailah satu masa dimana semua apapun akan berasa janggal. di rumah tapi bermusafir. berkata-kata tapi diam. berkeluarga tapi asing. sunyi dalam keramaian. berehat tapi kepenatan. duduk tapi berjalan.

ini bukanlah tempatnya kamu berhenti. amat sedikit rehat yang ada disini.

"maka barangsiapa yg menyembah nama tanpa makna sungguh ia telah kafir dan tidak menyembah apa-apa…..barangsiapa menyembah NAMA dan MAKNA sekaligus maka ia sungguh telah musyrik dan menyembah dua hal….dan barangsiapa menyembah makna tanpa nama sesungguhnya itulah TAUHID"
~ al Faqir

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"