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Friday, July 15, 2011

Stop looking for treasure where there is only trash

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

this is the world where you can be too young to retire,

whilst at the same time forgetting that you are never too young to die.

age has made us heedless,

with long hopes and empty dreams,

thinking that it will fill the emptiness,

of our vacant bodies.

we lament the lost of wealth

but notice not the ruination of our soul.

some has gained the world, but lost their soul,

wisdom is better than silver and gold.

Sufyan al-Thauri berkata; "sekelompok orang telah keliru dalam menuntut ilmu.Mereka menuntutnya bukan untuk diamalkan. Kelak,ilmu mereka sebesar gunung namun amal mereka sebesar debu..."

kita bersedih tika kehilangan harta, kekayaan,

namun langsung tidak menyadari,

kehilangan akal.

jaga nafsumu.

jagalah nafasmu.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Friday, July 1, 2011

There is none

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

there is no muslim unless he dies as a muslim
there is no kafir unless he dies as a kafir

don't be arrogant.

how sure are you of your claim being accepted by God?
how can you?

a muslim is in a perpetual state of thankfulness, never once being filled with pride. arrogance is not befitting someone who has truly submitted. ask ourselves that.

tiadalah ia muslim melainkan dia mati dengan Islam
tiadalah ia kafir melainkan dia mati dengan kufurnya

menghukum manusia bukanlah tugas engkau, akhirat itu bukanlah taklukan mu.

sang hamba suka berlakun raja,
yang papa berlagak kaya,
yang dangkal mengaku bijaksana,
itulah namanya manusia.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"