Click this link!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Betapa indah sang Darwis malang setiap hari merintih,
Penyesalannya di pagi hari pun terdengar oleh
dosa lainnya lagi.
Segenap ikrar kami hanyalah kosong belaka,
Segenap sumpah kami sentiasa berubah-ubah,
Taubat atas pemberian-Nya tetaplah tegar,
Dan mantap tak tergoyahkan

Rabiah al adawiya~ Sa'di (w. 1291 M.)fii Bustan~

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Inna solati lillahi

"Sedekat2 seorang hamba dengan tuhannnya dalam ketika dia sedang bersujud"

(Riwayat Thabarani).

Bertawakkallah kepada Allah agar meneruskan kita berada pada golongan orang2 bersolat.Solat itu adalah jalan.Maka lalui jalan itu sebab itulah yang Dia telah tunjukkan.Seperti kata Shaikh Abdul Qosim al Junaid:

"Jalan yang membawa aku kepada tuhanku...tidak sekali akan aku tinggalkan"

Di mana sahaja kamu merasakan kamu berada dalam zikrullah,maka sesekali Allah itu sentiasa berada bersama....

"So remember me,I will remember you!"

Hanyalah Allah itu sebaik2 penjamin bagi kita,dan sebaik2nya yang dicintai.Maka berkata seorang sahabat kepadaku

"Orang yang tahu itu tidak sama dengan orang yang faham,orang yang faham itu tidak sama dengan orang yang mengerti".

Maka untuk sampai kepada Haqq-al-yaqin,segala jalan mujahadah itu adalah keperluan,seperti orang yang menginginkan buah yang ranum,tiadalah ia akan mendapatnya jika tiada siraman air yang menyuburkan pada sebatang pokok yang diinginkan.

Ibn 'Ata illah al-Iskandari says:

"If you were to only reach Allah after the end of all your bad points and the erasure of all your thinking pretensions you would never reach Him. Rather, when He wants you to reach Him, He covers your trait with His trait, your worthlessness with His worth."

O Allah,guide me to reach your love,no other than You,no other than Huu

innas solaati wa nusuki wa mahyaaya wa mamaati lillahi rabbil 'alameen

verily your worship,your sacrifices,your very life and death is for Allah,Lord of the
universe.Everythings starts with Huu and ends with Huu.Huu Allah.No you,only Huu.

One I seek, One I know, One I see, One I call

Qul hu Allah hu Ahad.Allah hu ssomad.Lam yalid wa lam yuulad.Wa lam yaqullahu ku fuwan Ahad.

Surah al-Ikhlas

Friday, July 27, 2007

A Riddle

A'udhu billah hi minassyaitan nir rajeem,
Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem,
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah hil aliyyil azeem

There is one thing in this world that must never be forgotten.If you were to forget all else, but did not forget that, then you would have no reason to worry.But if you performed and remembered everything else, yet forgot that one thing, then you would have done nothing whatsoever..

Fihi ma Fihi

Say: Shall we tell you of those whose efforts have been wasted in this life in respect of their deeds? Those whose effort have been wasted in this life,while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works.

Al-Kahfi verses 103-104

Should you worry?

-Peace be to you-

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Our Death Is Our Wedding

Our death is our wedding with eternity.
What is the secret? "God is One."
The sunlight splits when entering the windows of the house.
This multiplicity exists in the cluster of grapes;
It is not in the juice made from the grapes.
For he who is living in the Light of God,
The death of the carnal soul is a blessing.
Regarding him, say neither bad nor good,
For he is gone beyond the good and the bad.
Fix your eyes on God and do not talk about what is invisible,
So that he may place another look in your eyes.
It is in the vision of the physical eyes
That no invisible or secret thing exists.
But when the eye is turned toward the Light of God
What thing could remain hidden under such a Light?
Although all lights emanate from the Divine Light
Don't call all these lights "the Light of God";
It is the eternal light which is the Light of God,
The ephemeral light is an attribute of the body and the flesh.
...Oh God who gives the grace of vision!
The bird of vision is flying towards You with the wings of desire.

(Mystic Odes 833)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Diskaun untuk student2 IPT-Seminar Dr Alan Abdul Haq Godlas

Pengumuman untuk pelajar2 universiti di Malaysia,Singapura,Brunei,Indonesia dan negara terdekat yang berminat untuk menyertai Seminar Dr Alan Abdul Haq Godlas di Shah Village Hotel Petaling Jaya , Selangor, Malaysia pada on 11-12 August 2007.Saya telah dimaklumkan oleh pihak penganjur bahawa yuran untuk pelajar dikurangkan sebanyak setengah harga.Ini bererti yuran pelajar untuk makanan dan sewa hotel ialah RM50 sehari.Pelajar boleh datang untuk satu hari dan bayar hanya RM50.Untuk 2 hari RM100.sila rujuk tentatif seminar pada post saya yang telah lalu di Dr Alan Abdul Haq Godlas are here in Malaysia

Monday, July 23, 2007


"It is said that after Muhammad and the prophets revelation does not descend upon anyone else. Why not? In fact it does, but then it is not called 'revelation.' It is what the Prophet referred to when he said, 'The believer sees with the Light of God.' When the believer looks with 'The believer sees with the Light of God.' When the believer looks with God's Light, he sees all things: the first and the last, the present and the absent. For how can anything be hidden from God's Light? And if something is hidden, then it is not the Light of God. Therefore the meaning of revelation exists, even if it is not called revelation."

Fihi ma fihi [Discourses of Rumi]
quoted from William C. Chittick, The Sufi Path of Love:
The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi

Ya Huu

Sunday, July 22, 2007


I will not serve God like a labourer, in expectation of my wages.
- Rabia al-Adawiya


Berkata shaikh Ibnu 'Ataillah:

Permulaan yang terang yang terang akan berakhir dengan terang.

Clear start will end clearly

Ilahi anta maksudi,waredoka mathlubi,atinni mahabbatak walmakrifataka

Friday, July 20, 2007

Kenalilah dahulu

Berkata Sayidina Ali r.a :

Kenalilah Islam dahulu barulah kamu kenal manusia, nescaya kamu boleh melihat kebenaran dan kebatilannya.
Jika kenal manusia dahulu baru Islam,nescaya kebenaran Islam hanya dilihat melalui kata-kata dan perbuatannya walaupun ia adalah batil (tidak benar).

Ya Huu

Borrowed Light

O brother, Wisdom is pouring into you
from the beloved saint of God.
You've only borrowed it.
Although the house of your heart
is lit from inside,
that light is lent by a luminous neighbor.
Give thanks; don't be arrogant or vain;
pay attention without self-importance.
It's sad that this borrowed state
has put religious communities
far from religious communion.

Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, may Allah sanctify his soul & bless his secret
'Rumi: Daylight', C. & Kabir Helminski, Threshold Books

Ya Huu

Monday, July 16, 2007

Flow to the Ocean

A'udhu billah hi minassyaitan nir rajeem,
Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem,
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah hil aliyyil azeem

Go with the flow.or should we? nowadays it seems to be a catch phrase of sorts to simply "go with the flow".What it means this poor soul has yet fail to understand.From what little can be made of it,it simply means to relent to what is the norm in a particular society.Whether it is right or wrong is none of my business to say.But lets remind ourselves that not every stream flows to the sea.Some might end in the sewage and stagnate, creating an awful stench.We are mere drops of water hoping to reach the ocean.May God lead us to the right path (sirat al mustaqim) with His Love(Wadood) and Compassion(Raheem) lest we are unable to bear His Majesty(Jalal) and severity (Qahhar).Only He knows.

be the drop that became the the ocean no drops remain,all are the same.annihilation.unity in the vastness.endless.

Allahumma aslih ummata Muhammad.
Allahumma arham ummata Muhammad.
Allahumma ustur ummata Muhammad.
Allahumma-ghfir li ummata Muhammad.
Allahumma-hfaz ummata Muhammad.
Allahumma unsur ummata Muhammad.
Ya arhama r-rahimin arhammna. Ya arhama r-rahimin fa'fu'anna.
Ya arhama r-rahimin, ya Ghaffara dh-dhunub, Ya Sattara l-'uyyub, Ya Fattaha l-qulub.
Allahumma asqina l-ghaytha suqya rahmatin wa la taj'alna mina l-qanitin. Amin.
Wa salamun 'ala l-mursalin, wa l-hamdu li-llahi Rabbi l-'alamin.

O Allah! Reconcile the nation of Muhammad.
O Allah! Have mercy on the nation of Muhammad.
O Allah! Veil the imperfection of the nation of Muhammad.
O Allah! Forgive the nation of Muhammad.
O Allah! Preserve the nation of Muhammad.
O Allah! Succour the nation of Muhammad.
O Most Merciful of the Merciful! Have mercy on us.
O Most Merciful of the Merciful! Forgive us.
O Most Merciful of the Merciful! O Pardoner of sins! O Veiler of our shortcomings! O Opener of hearts!
O Allah! Make us drink from the rain of Your Mercy and let us not be of the despondent . Amin
Peace be upon the Emissaries and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

jangan engkau sangka semua yang mengalir itu pergi ke lautan, barangkali ia berakhir di dalam longkang yang busuk lagi menjijikkan.jadilah setitis air yang menjadi lautan,karena setitis yang telah sampai ke lautan tidak akan dapat dipisahkan lagi.lenyaplah setitik menjadi lautan yg luas...

berhati-hatilah di jalan raya :) tengok kanan,tengok kiri,pandang bawah,pandang atas..up up an awaaay! lampu merah maknanya berhenti,lampu hijau maknanya jalan, lampu kuning?tekan minyak,pecuuut!! macam-macam ada.

Subhanaka la ‘ilma lana 'illa ma ‘allamtana 'innaka 'anta l-‘aleemu l-hakeem.

Maha suci Engkau! Kami tidak mempunyai pengetahuan selain dari apa yang Engkau ajarkan kepada kami; sesungguhnya Engkau jualah yang Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.

Al-Baqarah ayat 32

-Peace be to you-

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Dr. Alan Abdal Haq Godlas are here in Malaysia

Dr. Alan Abdal Haq Godlas will conduct a Majlis which is named as Spiritual Transformation in Daily Life by means of Remembrance Gratitude and Love
on 11-12 August 2007 at Shah Village Hotel Petaling Jaya , Selangor, Malaysia.

General Overview

Saturday 11 August 2007

I. General overview of Islamic principles for spiritual transformation

A) The problem of untransformed man: egotism and egotistical society

B) Spiritual transformation (including psychological-emotional transformation) as the aim and
general solution to the problem.

C) The Core of the Islamic Spiritual method: The inner (Turning back [tawba], Gratitude, Surrender, Love, Dhikr) and
the outer (God-centered behavior/taqwa)

D) The Need for understanding of the spiritual path

E) A system for understanding the major concepts of the path

F) A system for understanding the process of spiritual transformation

Sunday 12 August 2007

II. The Qur'an, The Prophet (saws), and Islamic Spirituality

A) Qur'anic recitation, contemplation, and the world

B) Qur'anic roots of Islamic Spirituality

C)Spiritual understanding and interpretation of the Qur'an

D) Hadith as a basis of Islamic Spirituality

E) The Muhammadan Truth and Light

Dr Alan says:
"Each session will begin and end with periods of dhikr,both vocal and silent. On Sunday morning before breakfast, I would like to go for a fast walk for about an hour, during which time I will recite surahs Yasin,Fath, Nab'a, Waqi'a, Mulk, and Hadid. Attendees are welcome to come with me"

For more information,please go to

an offer

A'udhu billah hi minassyaitan nir rajeem,
Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem,
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah hil aliyyil azeem

Only those who are at peace can make peace.
Only those who have love can give love.
If you want mercy be merciful.
Mercy is spread by those who are mercy full.

Hadrat Abdul Qadir al-Gaylani q.s. says, "My son, first educate yourself, put yourself on the straight path, then to the others. You know that you yourself, are in need, how can you satisfy the needs of others. Your eyes can see only the distance one step away, while you are trying to lead the blind.

How many times have we heard these kinds of sayings(i.e:those conveying the same message).We constantly say it is so "cliche","oh I've heard that like a thousand times" etc,etc.But maybe the actual question is "have I ever ACTUALLY understood the meaning?".Maybe what we need is not something new,but a fresh perspective.Is it not the window that determines how much sunshine that gets to our room.And remember the lost is our own. Realise that the sun does not stop shining even though we close our eyes.
May God grant us the decency to open our eyes and see.

For: He is the Light of the heavens and the earth
"Allahu nurussamaa waa ti wal 'ard "

and: He leads whomever He wills
" yahdillahu linuurihi mai yashaa' " An-Nur verse 35

"O people who take pleasure in a life that will vanish, falling in love with a fading shadow is sheer stupidity." - Ibn al-Qayyim

What can an abject beggar offer?

-Peace be to you-

Pengumuman Pertunangan! :D

A'udhu billah hi minassyaitan nir rajeem,

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem,
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah hil aliyyil azeem

Me-mandangkan kita telah-pun masok bulan Rajab dalam kalendar hijriah, ter-ingat pula sa-suatu,eksplen tidak perlulah, buat-buat paham pun jadi-lah...hantam sajalah Blalang,ko pegi ketok arang banchoh dengan air pun jadi kopi jugak kan,janji hitem

Pada suatu masa kita pasti dirisik,
Pertunangan semenjak azali,
Dihujung hidup berlangsungnya perkahwinan dengan maut,
hantarannya adalah sakit dan nazak,
Tamu bertandang menghadiahkan tangisan,
Pengantin dimandikan, dipakaikan baju berwarna putih,
Wangian gaharu cendana jadi pelamin,
Pengantin bersanding sendirian, diarak keliling kampung,
Berkompangkan azan dan kalimah kudus,
Aqad nikah dengan bersaksikan Alqin, berwalikan liang lahad,
bersaksikan nisan-nisan, siraman mawar daripada anggota keluarga,
Malam pertama bersama kekasih yang dindingnya tanah dan menuntut janji perkahwinan....

Al-Fatihah -8 Rajab 1427-

Qullu nafsin zaa iqatul maut! Semua yang hidup pasti merasa mati!

Ali-Imraan ayat 185

semua akan binasa kecuali apa yang bersama Tuhanmu.
carilah "apa" itu semuga tidak mudah kita berkata tidak apa-apa.
apa-apapun, apa-apa sahajalah, tambah lagi sa-tu pantun:

sudah gaharu,cendana pula,
dah tak tahu,melawaklah sahaja.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

-semuga aman tentram ka-atasmu-

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

al-majnun haqqul majnun

A'udhu billah hi minassyaitan nir rajeem,
Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem,
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah hil aliyyil azeem

There was a story related to mental sickness:

Whilst the Blessed Prophet(saw) was walking he saw a group of sahabas congregating, Rasulullah(saws) asked them "why are you here?" a sahaba answered,"Ya Rasulullah, there is a crazy man on rampage.That is why we are here".

thus Rasulullah(saw) said :
"That fellow is not crazy.He is just having a serious predicament.Do you know who the real crazy people are (al-majnun haqqul majnun)?"

The sahabas answered,"No Ya Rasulullah".

So he clarified to them,"The real sick are those who take each step in arrogance(takabbur),who views everyone else in a disgusted manner(high regards of oneself),whose breast is held up in pride, he hopes for Gods' bounty but yet is still occupied with evil deeds, whose evilness is a source of constant agony for everyone else and whose pity is never hoped for.That is the truly sick ones.As for this fellow,he is just in a predicament."

This somehow explains why we are in such a situation today. Surely it is because there are many "crazies" running around in todays society given a free leash, not to mention the authority that some posses.Like most illnesses,the most serious ones are hardly seen physically,and if they do is just an effect of an illness already taking its course.

May God help us cure our "hidden" sickness for certainly it is not the eye that is blind, but the hearts which is in our breasts.
Our life is short,composed of mere breaths while the journey very long and ardous.May God make our footing firm and bless us with His guiding light.Hasbunallahu.

Ya Muqallibal qulub, thabbits qalbin 'ala deenik

and lets end this post with a verse from Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi:

Longing is the core of mystery.
Longing itself brings the cure.
The only rule is,

Suffer the pain.

-Peace be to you-

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Let there be Love

A'udhu billah hi minassyaitan nir rajeem,
Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem,
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah hil aliyyil azeem

Oh Servants of the Lord… don’t be like slaves rowing in the galley of a ship. If you pray, you must pray with love.

You must be fountains of love, Or springs of love,

Or taps of love Or rivers of love or seas of love or

Oceans of love.

The Lord - our Lord, your Lord, their Lord – is One.

-Peace be to you-

Monday, July 9, 2007


Sunday, July 8, 2007


Enjoy this lovely song

As Subhu Bada(English translation)

The morning light is by your countenance
And the splendour of the nights by your plaits
The master is a treasure of grace
The master is a treasure of mercy
He is the guide of the whole community
And the one who shows the way of the Sacred Law

They (sheep) came upon the gesture of a finger
Stones from the Hijaz began to speak
And the moon was split in two
By a single gesture of the finger

On the night of the Ascension
The Archangel Gabriel came with tidings of God
Allah called him to the heavens
(And) bestowed upon him the honour of intimacy

spread your wings

Something opens our wings.
Something makes boredom and hurt disappear.
Someone fills the cup in front of us.
We taste only sacredness.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Inilah Jalanku menuju tuhanku

Suatu hari seorang telah melihat Shaikh Abul Qosim Al-Junaid membawa tasbih .Lalu ditanyakan kepada Syaikh:

"Engkau dengan segala ketiggian(maqamat dan ahwal kerohanian),masih lagi membawa tasbih ditanganmu?"

Jawab Syaikh Abul Qosim;

"Jalan yang telah membawa aku kepada Tuhanku,tiadalah aku akan berpisah dengannya".

Ilahi anta maksudi,waredoka mathlubi

Ya Huu

You know what i'm doing

Saying of Prophet Muhammad,

Oh Allah! I come to you because you know all, even what is hidden.
If what I am doing is good for me and my religion, for my life now and later, then let the task be easy and blessed.
If what I am doing now is bad for me and my religion, for my life now and later, then keep me far from this task.