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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Al Baqarah : 10

In their hearts is a disease and Allah has increased their disease: And grievous is the penalty they (incur), because they are false (to themselves).

Dalam hati mereka (golongan yang munafik itu) terdapat penyakit (syak dan hasad dengki), maka Allah tambahkan lagi penyakit itu kepada mereka; dan mereka pula akan beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya, dengan sebab mereka berdusta (dan mendustakan kebenaran).

Friday, December 16, 2011

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

committing a mistake is not wrong. but continuing with the mistake is what makes it wrong. it tells more about someone's character at the way one responds to a mistake, rather than the act itself.

to err is human. but to willingly err is foolishness.

the difference between appearance and reality is remarkable. we need to see with both eyes to recognize the strange world we live in today.

the trap has been set, and many shall fall into it. what is the use of your "education" and "experience" now that you brag off constantly? zero.

"And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion." ~Ali Imran;185

manusia tidak pernah lekang daripada membuat kesilapan. namun kesilapan bukanlah satu yang salah. malangnya ramai yang membiarkan kesilapan berterusan. maka situlah ianya berdosa.

sudah terlanjur perbuatan bukanlah maknanya hidup terus menjadi manusia jalang. itu cumalah mengikut bisikan syaitan semata dan nafsu binatang.

orang pandai, ramai yang terperangkap dengan kepandaiannya. maka teruslah hidup dalam kepandaian yang menyesatkan. tiadalah ia aman walaupun berharta. tidak ia kenyang walaupun perut membuncit.

cari harta sampai rosak akidah. orang moden....

"Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu hendak dustakan?"
~ Surah Ar-Rahman

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Saturday, December 10, 2011

conception of reality is where it all starts.

the Quran has taught us to see with two eyes, for only the blind sees with one.

the source of knowledge in the modern times is based on having only one eye. knowledge which is only based on what can be observed physically(science). thus we construct a reality that is purely observable. soon we will conclude only what is seen exist.that this is the only world.

today we have scholarship (people who learn),
but no nur (inner discernment).

the basic tenets of Islam, and indeed any faith, is having believe in the unseen.

make your own conclusions from such source of "knowledge" as seen today.

it is already created,
it already exists,
it is merely waiting to unfold.

Humanity never has grown up after all.We are still slaves,only the master has changed.