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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Al Baqarah : 10

In their hearts is a disease and Allah has increased their disease: And grievous is the penalty they (incur), because they are false (to themselves).

Dalam hati mereka (golongan yang munafik itu) terdapat penyakit (syak dan hasad dengki), maka Allah tambahkan lagi penyakit itu kepada mereka; dan mereka pula akan beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya, dengan sebab mereka berdusta (dan mendustakan kebenaran).

Friday, December 16, 2011

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

committing a mistake is not wrong. but continuing with the mistake is what makes it wrong. it tells more about someone's character at the way one responds to a mistake, rather than the act itself.

to err is human. but to willingly err is foolishness.

the difference between appearance and reality is remarkable. we need to see with both eyes to recognize the strange world we live in today.

the trap has been set, and many shall fall into it. what is the use of your "education" and "experience" now that you brag off constantly? zero.

"And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion." ~Ali Imran;185

manusia tidak pernah lekang daripada membuat kesilapan. namun kesilapan bukanlah satu yang salah. malangnya ramai yang membiarkan kesilapan berterusan. maka situlah ianya berdosa.

sudah terlanjur perbuatan bukanlah maknanya hidup terus menjadi manusia jalang. itu cumalah mengikut bisikan syaitan semata dan nafsu binatang.

orang pandai, ramai yang terperangkap dengan kepandaiannya. maka teruslah hidup dalam kepandaian yang menyesatkan. tiadalah ia aman walaupun berharta. tidak ia kenyang walaupun perut membuncit.

cari harta sampai rosak akidah. orang moden....

"Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu hendak dustakan?"
~ Surah Ar-Rahman

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Saturday, December 10, 2011

conception of reality is where it all starts.

the Quran has taught us to see with two eyes, for only the blind sees with one.

the source of knowledge in the modern times is based on having only one eye. knowledge which is only based on what can be observed physically(science). thus we construct a reality that is purely observable. soon we will conclude only what is seen exist.that this is the only world.

today we have scholarship (people who learn),
but no nur (inner discernment).

the basic tenets of Islam, and indeed any faith, is having believe in the unseen.

make your own conclusions from such source of "knowledge" as seen today.

it is already created,
it already exists,
it is merely waiting to unfold.

Humanity never has grown up after all.We are still slaves,only the master has changed.

Monday, November 28, 2011

WoW (wonders of the world)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

the malaise of modern times.

people are working harder for something that is losing value faster.

that is the main reason for the collective discontent seen today, but few notice it or are willing to pay heed to it.

so entrenched we are in the system that we carry on despite it being one of diminishing returns, leading towards a dead end.

what more can you expect of something that was given value artificially in the most arbitrary of ways?

the people who have lots are merely there to convince the nots to carry on plodding through.

just like any scam, you need success stories to attract people.
or the latin word for it: suckers.

religion teaches us not to waste.
the biggest waste is wasted effort and energy
towards a pointless goal.

in the lizard hole we go.
like sheeps to the slaughter house,
bleating all along the way,
just noise
without meaning.

inilah jalan penyelesaian golongan urban berpendidikan zaman moden ini
ibarat menyembur minyak wangi untuk menutup bau bangkai reput
namun tidak pula ditanam mahupun dibuang bangkai itu

dah sombong dengan tuhan,
dahi pun tak nak sujud,
apatah lagi hati,
tuhan yang dilafaz dimulut cumalah kehendak nafsu diri jua.

tak apa,
janji educated, senang nak cari makan... :D

syirik2 ni apa barang. takdak dalam silibus dol. tak urban lah engkau.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Saturday, November 19, 2011

hidup tak ubah bagai sekandang lembu
keluar dari kandang, meragut rumput dan kembali semula ke kandang,
untuk hanya disembelih oleh pemilik kandang di kemudian hari.

inilah kehidupan sekadar kehidupan sekandang lembu,
sudah banyak belajar tapi tidak pernah berfikir,

apakah kebenaran yang dihijabkan dari pandangan mata dan hati?
ataupun sudah puas bahawa inilah dia hidup yang nyata?
hidup sekadar untuk mendapat murka Allah.


Friday, November 18, 2011

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

verily life has deceived you, in the race to collect and hoard.
till you enter your graves.
soon you shall know,
but then it is too late.

we as people are constantly in search of the extraordinary, miraculous,
while at the same time failing to fully comprehend and appreciate the ordinary.
learning that does not bring about transformation as better human beings are mere delusions and distractions from your true purpose.

ada sijil ingatkan pandai. dah banyak pengalaman ingatkan dah semakin hampir merungkai persoalan hidup.
rupa-rupanya umur panjang sekadar dilalaikan dengan mainan. mengumpul benda perhiasan.
sampailah masuk kubur.
barulah tersedar,
tetapi malangnya terlambat sudah.
tanggunglah apa yang telah engkau usahakan dengan dua tangan kamu semasa hidup dulu.
adakah anak-anak kamu menyedekahkan doa amal?
sedangkan sekian lama dididik untuk mengejar dunia semata.

mengaku terpelajar tetapi perangai masih macam orang bebal. terpekik lolong macam orang tiada akal. apa gunanya pendidikan kamu itu?

bak kata orang puteh: bangang.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Rights which are not right

people seek claims for their human rights, but not knowing what being human means are merely fooling around. Jokers who are projecting their own confusion to give themselves self satisfaction. in other words, so that they can stop looking for the real answer.

How amazing. this is what years of "education" has given us. hiding and being made heedless of own stupidity.

what is permissible is clear and what is prohibited is clear.

therefore never justify your ignorance. let alone take pride in it.

puak urban kaukasian wannabe semua mengaku hendak menegakkan hak asasi manusia. sangat pandai menyebut "kita patut beryukurrrr dengan apa jua yang ada". memang betul perlu syukur itu, tapi syukur orang jahil hanya akan membawa kejahanaman kepada alam.

sebelum nak mengajar orang, belajarlah jadi manusia dulu.
dah kununnya rasa pandai, cakap pun main lepas sahaja.
inilah ilmu orang dunia belaka. belum jadi manusia dah pun mengaku bijaksana.
ini namanya orang pandai tapi bukan manusia, atau nama saintifiknya: terencat akal.

ada hati takdak akal - jahil

ada akal tadak hati - batil

ada akal ada hati - fadil

takdak akal takdak hati - azazil

ramai nak jadi manusia jadi-jadian, binatang hari-harian.
bila perlu jadi manusia, mereka akan berlakon sedemikian,
bila perlu jadi binatang, mereka akan sedia jadi itu macam.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Aku yang menipu

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Berapa kali anda menipu sehari (kepada tuhan anda) ?

setiap kali solat, lepas mengangkat takbir. apa yang dibaca? bukankah terdapat ayat berikut didalamnya:

إِنَّ صَلاَتِي وَنُسُكِيْ وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلَّهِ رَبِّ العَالَمِيْن

yang lebih kurang bermaksud:

"sesungguhnya sembahyangku ibadatku , hidupku dan matiku hanya untuk Allah, tuhan sekalian alam"

tapi betulkah apa yg disebut dengan lidah itu, turut dirasa di hati? ataukah sekadar di lidah sahaja.

talk is cheap bak kata orang kampung.kalau tak paham, baik tak payah sebut. kalau bodo duduk diam.tapi belaja tinggi-tinggi belaka, graduan nabesiti semua mana nak mengaku bodo.sia-sialah susah payah jerih ambil periksa demi segulung ijazah.

kenyangkah kamu dengan makan gaji, tidak kiralah samada bekerja atau meniaga, jika bukan Allah jua yang memberi kenyang?
mungkinkah inilah sebabnya berlaku gejala zaman sekarang yang tidak pernah tahu erti cukup. yang sedikit tidak cukup dengan sedikitnya, yang banyak tidak cukup dengan banyaknya.

bagaimana mungkin kenyang jika yang difikir memberi makan itu gajinya, nasik ayamnya, char kuew tiawnya, nasik itiknya. sedangkan yang sebenar benarnya memberi kenyang ialah Rabbul izzah jua.

kebebasan zaman sekarang amat jauh daripada erti bebas itu sendiri. bebas itu seharusnya bermakna tidak diperhambakan oleh yang bukan hak.bebas kini hanyalah kata kosong yang membawa makna " aku punya sukalah nak buat apa" ataupun dengan kata lain, bebas untuk diperhambakan oleh nafsu belaka.

nak hantar surat kena tahu alamat, baru sampai.
nak hidup, kena tahu mana kiblat, baru damai.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

forgetting what we have forgotten

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

one of the hallmarks of living in this modern age is in its preoccupation with busy-ness. or at the very least with the appearance of being busied.

regardless of how empty the endeavour is, we plod on doing whatever it is to occupy our times, in the name of survival and for the sake of continued existence.

we never allow ourselves to ask this question; why was i created? for whom was i created?
after all the toil and struggle, fatigue and worry is all we have to show for it.

if you do not know who you are, you will never know for whom you are.

perumpamaan hidup pada ketika ini adalah seperti mengerjakan ladang atau tanah,
namun tidak ditanamkan dengan apa-apa benih tanaman mahupun buah-buahan,
yang tumbuh cumalah lalang dan semak belukar,
penat lelah yang bukan sahaja tiada gunanya,
malah mungkin menyembunyikan ular bisa.

hidup yang sentiasa risau akan usaha yang salah pergantungannya.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

moral of the story: peliharalah lembu @ kambing supaya rumput tak panjang :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

where is home?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"feels like I've been walking barefooted on burning embers,
feels like I've been growing up among total strangers,
O Beloved, take me away to Your destiny,
this blind, narrow minded world is my enemy."
~ Rahat

the people of this world are like the three moths in front of a candle's flame;

the first one went closer and said: I know about love.
the second one touched the flame lightly with his wings and said: I know how love's fire can burn.
the third one threw himself into the heart of the flame and was consumed.

He alone knows what true love is.

sampailah satu masa dimana semua apapun akan berasa janggal. di rumah tapi bermusafir. berkata-kata tapi diam. berkeluarga tapi asing. sunyi dalam keramaian. berehat tapi kepenatan. duduk tapi berjalan.

ini bukanlah tempatnya kamu berhenti. amat sedikit rehat yang ada disini.

"maka barangsiapa yg menyembah nama tanpa makna sungguh ia telah kafir dan tidak menyembah apa-apa…..barangsiapa menyembah NAMA dan MAKNA sekaligus maka ia sungguh telah musyrik dan menyembah dua hal….dan barangsiapa menyembah makna tanpa nama sesungguhnya itulah TAUHID"
~ al Faqir

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

seeking comfort for their burning souls

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

not owning anything is not what qualifies one as being zuhd (ascetic)
it is not to be owned by anything.

the king which is not attached to his kingdom and all that it contains is more of a zahid than the pauper who is ever coveting and greedy for the piece of morsel.

indeed zuhd is detachment from what is other than Allah. even if one be a king or a beggar.zuhd is an inner action and not a mere outer show. we are constantly confused by this matter.

the poor is not necessarily a zahid and the rich a glutton.

"Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children, as the likeness of vegetation after rain, thereof the growth is pleasing to the tiller; afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow; then it becomes straw. But in the Hereafter (there is) a severe torment (for the believers, evildoers), and (there is) Forgiveness of Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the believers, gooddoers), whereas the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment." (Al-Hadid 57:20)

let whatever comes to your hands pass through your fingers, lest it moves into your heart and resides there.

the one who cannot benefit from a little, will not benefit from a lot.

Once someone asked Jesus (alayhis salam), “How are you able to walk on water?”

Jesus replied, “With certainty.”

Then someone said, “But we also have certainty!”

Jesus then asked them, “Are stone, clay, and gold equal in your eyes?”

They replied, “Certainly not!”

Jesus responded, “They are in mine.”

~ From “Walk on Water The Wisdom of Jesus” by Hamza Yusuf

Islam tidak mengajar umatnya supaya menjadi miskin. Islam tidak juga mengajar umatnya untuk menjadi tamak.

Islam hanyalah bersyukur dengan penuh rasa kehambaan, sabar dan redha dengan kehendakNya. Tidaklah manusia ini diturunkan semata mata untuk hidup terseksa. apa yang engkau nampak, itulah yang engkau rasa. bukanlah salah sesiapapun melainkan diri jua.

"segala apa yang ada bersamamu, pastinya akan binasa, dan apa jua yang bersama Allah akan kekal senantiasa" (An-Nahl 16:96)

alangkah bahagianya si kaya yang hatinya tidak berbekas sedikitpun oleh hartanya, dan malang bukan kepalang sekali si miskin yang mendambakan dan rakus akan harta.

memang jarang, tapi tidak mustahil. selagi dunia meninggalkan bekas di dalam diri.................

siapa yang tidak dapat memanfaatkan yang sedikit, tidak akan bermanfaat baginya daripada yang banyak.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Friday, September 9, 2011

Qul Ya 'Azim

Engkaulah Tuhan yang sedia ada pada azali, Engkaulah Dzat yang Maha Lemah Lembut, yang sentiasa berlemah lembut

Sebutlah Wahai Dzat Yang Maha Agung, Engkaulah Dzat yang Maha Agung, Sungguh dukacita yang besar telah mendukacitakan kami

Lenyapkanlah dari kami apa yang telah turun menimpa kami daripada musibah dan bencana, yang sangat berat dan mencengkam jiwa

Sebutlah Wahai Dzat Yang Maha Agung, Engkaulah Dzat yang Maha Agung, Sungguh dukacita yang besar telah mendukacitakan kami

Engkaulah Dzat yang Maha Hidup, Dzat yang Sedia Ada (Allah), Tuhan yang Maha Kaya, yang Kekal Abadi (Allah), yang tidak perlu kepada sesiapa dan apapun

Yang Maha Mulia, Tuhan yang Maha Adil, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa Yang Maha Berbuat Kebaikan, yang Maha Pengasihani terhadap hamba-hambaNya

Dan bersalawatlah kepada Nabi (saw), (Limpahkanlah rahmatMu keatas Baginda Wahai Dzat yang Sejahtera dari segala kecacatan dan kekurangan)

Dari kami jua selawat serta salam untuk Beliau Sallallau 'alaihi wassallam. Pada hari pembalasan, berilah kami keselamatan dari yang kami takuti, Wahai Dzat yang Maha Mulia

Dan limpahkanlah rahmat Mu ke atas keluarga dan para Sahabat (saw) yang gagah berani laksana singa, yang telah memimpin para manusia berkulit putih dan hitam dengan berkat Baginda (saw)

Teristimewa ke atas Sahabat yang bergelar penghapus para pendengki, Pedang Tuhan, Yaitu Sayyidina Khalid ibnu Walid

Sunday, September 4, 2011


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

So we are able to eat during the days now. we have deprived our bodies during the days for the past month, and we have nourished our hearts as well.

it is easy to feel lonely among an uninspiring crowd. we are hungry because our situation is contrary to what is necessary to awaken our spirit. our hunger in ramadhan has awakened our hearts from deep slumber. shame now that our stomachs are filled our hearts has gone for another hibernation; perhaps till next ramadhan, if Allah wills it.

being alone is much preferable than being in bad association.

Ibn Ata'illah telah berkata: "Jangan mendampingi sesiapa yang keadaannya tidak menyedarkan dirimu dan kata-katanya tidak membawamu kepada Allah".

syawal telah menjelma dan kita sudah boleh makan sesuka hati. namun, kita semakin lapar. lapar dan dahagakan ilham.

ada orang yang hidupnya sepanjang tahun, ada yang hidupnya sebulan setahun, dan ada juga yang langsung mati.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Saturday, August 27, 2011


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

why is it hard to change?
the ego (nafs) is already comfortable (although far from being tranquil),
it rather clings to the problem than leave (hijrah) to something better,
being busied with complaints is what fills an otherwise empty life.

thus we live with excuses.

"For each one are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah . Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron" ~Ar-Ra'd (13), Ayat 11

manusia mana ada percayakan tuhan. mereka lebih suka dan selesa percayakan kepada harta benda.
harta lah yang (disangkanya) memberi senang, memberi kenyang,
(walaupun tidak tenang),

haus pun hilang asalkan berharta.

tuhan hanya sekadar "ilmu buku". kalau susah baru ingat tuhan (kalaulah sahaja). waktu senang (kalau) ingat tuhan hanya dilidah, hati masih kufur nikmat.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Saturday, August 20, 2011


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

you have repented (so you thought so). you assume that all is forgiven and you are clean, scott free. but once some tests arrive such as hardship, old mistakes resurfacing, etc.., you do not accept it. how far are you from the repentance that you claim! if you have truly repented, you will submit and accept to whatever Allah has given you as punishment for your past mistakes.

what is most important is the realization, the will and act to change as well as submitting to Allah's will.
there is no point in the repentance in your mind, but your self is still mired in your old filth. your repentance is nothing more that what is taught as right, but your self is not willing to do right.

stop with the delusions, and stop wasting people's time. you have an educated brain but an ignorant heart. it all amounts to nothing.

sunggoh senang kau nak mengaku kononnya dah bertaubat. bila udah bertaubat nasuha (menurut dirinya sahaja), diingatkan ianya bersih segala. bila kena uji sikit contohnya kesukaran mendapat jodoh, atau sukar mendapat zuriat, atau aib terbuka.. ada yang tak boleh terima. padahal dalam taubat sebenar-benar taubat, kita kena redha atas apa sahaja yang Allah sediakan untuk kita atas kesalahan lalu.

yang penting ialah keinsafan, kesedaran, keazaman untuk hijrah serta redha pada ujian Allah.

usahlah mengaku udah bertaubat, kena jentik sedikit dah meraung. ilmu takat kat otak sahaja. tak lebih dari itu. nafsu masih bermaharajalela. akal masih letak kat lutut. diam-diam sudahlah.

kerana cinta pada manusia kamu tewas pada syaitan dan nafsu.

carilah cinta dan redha Allah. itu sahajalah yang kekal tiada hujungnya.

janganlah jadi manusia yang terpelajar otaknya, tetapi jahil hatinya. sia-sia belaka.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Sunday, August 7, 2011


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
A man lies hidden under his tongue.
people often ask where is God,
but the real question is "where was I/where am I?"

where is your heart?

Makin kaya hartanya,
semakin miskin manusianya.

manusia mengejar kekayaan,
sedangkan kekayaan menghakis kemanusiaan,
apakah nilainya itu semua?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Stop looking for treasure where there is only trash

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

this is the world where you can be too young to retire,

whilst at the same time forgetting that you are never too young to die.

age has made us heedless,

with long hopes and empty dreams,

thinking that it will fill the emptiness,

of our vacant bodies.

we lament the lost of wealth

but notice not the ruination of our soul.

some has gained the world, but lost their soul,

wisdom is better than silver and gold.

Sufyan al-Thauri berkata; "sekelompok orang telah keliru dalam menuntut ilmu.Mereka menuntutnya bukan untuk diamalkan. Kelak,ilmu mereka sebesar gunung namun amal mereka sebesar debu..."

kita bersedih tika kehilangan harta, kekayaan,

namun langsung tidak menyadari,

kehilangan akal.

jaga nafsumu.

jagalah nafasmu.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Friday, July 1, 2011

There is none

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

there is no muslim unless he dies as a muslim
there is no kafir unless he dies as a kafir

don't be arrogant.

how sure are you of your claim being accepted by God?
how can you?

a muslim is in a perpetual state of thankfulness, never once being filled with pride. arrogance is not befitting someone who has truly submitted. ask ourselves that.

tiadalah ia muslim melainkan dia mati dengan Islam
tiadalah ia kafir melainkan dia mati dengan kufurnya

menghukum manusia bukanlah tugas engkau, akhirat itu bukanlah taklukan mu.

sang hamba suka berlakun raja,
yang papa berlagak kaya,
yang dangkal mengaku bijaksana,
itulah namanya manusia.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Saturday, June 11, 2011

empty love

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
many are those who profess love with their lips,
but true love is ever silent.

it is like the sun that shines its light,
without making a sound,
at dawn, it is the cock that crows.

it is the wind that blows,
refreshing the surroundings,
but it is the trees that whispers.

it never claims " you owe me".
it is forever giving without ever asking back.

madah dan kata manis si pujangga,
kosong belaka,
sekadar menari di bibiran,
tanpa makna.

hiduplah untuk memberi sebanyak-banyaknya, dan bukannya untuk mengambil sebanyak-banyaknya.

ilmu yang engkau cari, adakah untuk memberi, atau mengambil?

apa lagi nak dikata. kosong dunia, kosong akhirat, Allah jualah.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Sunday, June 5, 2011

New pair of eyes

we don't need anything new,

what's needed is a fresh perspective,
a new understanding of the old sayings,
the actual meaning,
of cliches that has lost their meaning.

see the world through fresh pair of eyes.
not empty eyeballs staring blankly.

tengok dunia dengan mata kosong,
sebab kepala hotak pun kosong,
cuma pandai omong,
omong kosong,
peluru cuma tinggal kelongsong,
bagai menembak lohong,
manusia memang pembohong.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Vicious cycle

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

It's easy to complain, there is no point in admitting your faults if you have no intention to actually change it.

so we've been taught to admit to our mistakes. we've been taught it is good to be humble.
but have we actually made the effort to change these mistakes?
have we actually been humble?

noticing any humbleness in your self is a sure sign of arrogance. stop deluding yourself fool!

we know a lot of what is right in this world, but how many actually do right?

no doubt, we know a lot, but very few understand.

many claim to know Islam, very few has understood Islam. fewest of the few are those who have tasted Islam.
it is true for any religion. if we have tasted the real essence of our respective religions, there won't be as much dissonance as seen today.

those who know, can elaborate on it eloquently. their tongues are very impressive, but their hearts are void of this effect.
people yield easily, life is merely for impressing other people. superficial values are held even if it means sacrificing their own family and friends just for some inane chatter.

indeed it is futile to live for other people. surrounding the self with well wishers is like an anesthesia. it numbs your sense, unaware of the hole you are in.

feel good even in a pile of excrement. that's just how we are, how we like it. let the wound fester rather than do something about it. we are just too focussed on distraction. an empty mind likes to distract itself. distraction is an attraction, the most potent one known to man.

that's the difference between knowing and tasting. realize that the world doesn't owe you anything.

cakap memang senang. buah rambutan itu memang manis. cili itu memang pedas. tetapi kalau belum merasa bagaimanakah manis nya? manis gula? manis madu? manis tebu?

diamlah engkau! talam dua muka, engkau nak letak gelas dan pinggan kat mana? atas kepala engkau pun jadilah! dunia tidak terhutang apa apa pun dengan engkau.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Meaning of Obedience

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

If in the time of worship, it does not stir in you a sense of humbleness, meekness and helplessness in front of your Lord almighty,

Instead it is filled with arrogance, self-righteousness and envy,
then whatever it is you are engaged in is anything but worshiping your one true Creator.

Remember death constantly,
for it will soften your heart.

"Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan solat dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk"
~ Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 45

"Dan Dialah yang menerima taubat dari hamba-hambaNya dan memaafkan kesalahan-kesalahan dan mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan"
~ Surah As-Syuraa, ayat 25

Tuhan kah yg disembah, atau diri yang disolatkan? bergerak ataupun digerakkan?
adakah kudrat diri yang bersolat ataupun adalah karunia daripada Nya jua?
hendak diri, adakah itu sudah cukup?
bukankah tidak bergerak sebesar zarah pun tanpa izin Nya. Jangan terlalu senang dan mudah merasa puas dengan diri dan memandang hina orang yang lalai.

semuanya dalam perancangan Nya jua. Jangan dilihat kesalahan orang, butakan mata, dan hidupkanlah hati.

"لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله"

Friday, April 8, 2011

Different Silence

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

This search of ours,

the seeking of true knowledge,
the beginning is marked by silence,
silence out of sheer bewilderment and incomprehension,

the ending will also be marked by silence,
but not of bewilderment,
it is the "a-ha" moment,
where words are no longer necessary.

indeed words can impede our finding,

be silent.
don't let the questioning
interfere with the answering.

rushing does not make things get done any faster.

nak pun tidak, tak nak pun tidak,
cepat pun tidak, lambat pun tidak.

yang bergerak,
mana sama dengan yang digerakkan.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Joy that Wounds

I knew that God well when love flashed before me.

It gives me strength by night and day, and show what lies ahead.
In me are flames, in me is fuel, in me is smoke.
I only found my Beloved, when love made me aware.

you are drop, and the ocean.
you are kindness, you are anger,
you are sweetness, you are poison.
raw you are, and cooked too you are,
oh, do not leave me quite so raw.

without hope i cannot cope.

where do you come from? and from where do man's joy and sorrow begin?
oh you, straying heart, just come!
oh you, aching liver, just come!

Oh love, the joy that wounds!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


You know nothing of yourself and in this state

you will know that when you were alive you were dead,
and only thought yourself alive.